What is Liberty, KY?
Liberty is a small town tucked into the hills of central Kentucky. It is a way to escape to learn about simplicity and a chance to get in touch with nature and the beauty of growing food organically. It is an opportunity to spend time with people who not only love God, but live their faith every moment of every day. It is where you will serve others, grow closer to your friends, make many new friends, and laugh and enjoy life. It is an opportunity to meet some amazing people from around the world, folks with life stories that will stretch your mind. Participants will serve and learn on organic farms, spend time with Mennonite and Amish friends, help with construction projects, listen to some great music, enjoy delicious food, serve differently-abled friends at the Galilean Home Ministries, and much more.
Trip History
In Summer of 1988, I began leading students and adults from Bellarmine Youth Group on a service trip to Somerset, KY. We worked with Sister Marty Conrad who ran an outreach program at St. Mildred Catholic Church. That summer, I had the opportunity to meet Jerome and Paula Lange, organic farmers who moved into the area. After a few years, Sr. Marty’s outreach ministry dissolved however my relationship with Jerome and Paula and their family and friends grew, until it has become the experience it is today.
The trip quickly grew into a quarterly venture, with trips taking place in March, June, October and December. I have been blessed to have taken students (and their parents) from Summit Country Day, Ursuline Academy, Moeller, Purcell-Marian, Chaminade-Julienne, Mount Notre Dame, St. Xavier, Walnut Hills, St. Ursula, and McNicholas. Groups have ranged in size from 12 to 90, and about 2000 different students and adults have travelled with me to Liberty, KY, with many, making multiple trips.
I retired from teaching high school in June 2022 (but have maintained my SafeParish Certification through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati) and have taken a position at local IT company, however I continue to offer quarterly service trips/visits to Liberty for students, parents and others interested in living the simple life for a few days – unplugged from technology, rooted in the earth and eager to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.
CLICK HERE for the story I wrote for the May 2022 Galilean Home Newsletter. It shares the story of our relationship with the Home. Hope you can join us!
Todd Forman
Recent Trip Photos/Videos
Spring 2021 | Summer 2021 | Fall 2021 | Christmas 2021
Spring 2022 | Summer 2022 | Fall 2022 | Christmas 2022
Spring 2023 | Summer 2023 | Fall 2023 | Christmas 2023
Spring 2024
Excerpts from reflections of past participants:
“I learned that relationships are what make our lives enjoyable. The constant theme of our current world seems to be making everyone independent, which has its own pros and cons. But the sense of unity that comes without technology is something that we can’t easily get nowadays. I think, in the very beginning, humans were created to be together. So even though I love how I only have to rely on myself for a lot of things now, I’ll always enjoy the moments where I get to take a step back and just connect with the people around me.”
“The most beautiful things in life aren’t things. The people in Liberty are amazing human beings who strive to lead happy and simple lives every day. I learned so much from witnessing their unique lifestyles. All the people in Liberty work every day to help each other out and sacrifice their days to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. The Nolts’, Langes, and many other people in Liberty showed me that you don’t need material things to be truly happy in life. Many of the people living at the Galilean Home really opened my eyes to see how blessed I am. They are people who have gone through hard times and difficult situations but don’t let them control their life. They inspire me every day to appreciate the people and experiences in my life.”
“Liberty is something truly special. It is a home to anyone willing to let it be. …there is a lot that happens in Liberty – far too much for me to write it all down. I don’t know who reads these reflections, but I want whoever it is to know this: Don’t take my word for it, because I can’t really get it across to you the way the Big Man Upstairs can. And the way He got it across to me, was in Liberty. So if you’re sitting there thinking, “Hmmm, this Liberty place sounds pretty darn cool,” then I would advise you to go find out for yourself. It’ll be great, I pinky promise.”
Reflective Poems
Courtney DeJoy – Ready to Go | Suddenly
Claire Husting – Lanky Wheat
Face Up Article – By Anna Shaw